Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blogging? Really?

When I first heard of a 'blog' a couple of years back, I had thought to myself, "who would want to waste their time writing on the internet for the whole world to see?" Cut scene to me here and now typing away thinking of all of the things I'll be able to get off of my conscious. Trying to talk to my 2, 4, and 6 year olds about politics, conspiracy theories, social issues and the falling dollar has only ended with tears. Usually mine. So, I will consider this another experiment in the life of a stay-at-home-dad; trying not to go crazy and keeping myself busy with ever-changing and ever-evolving hobbies and activities.
Lets get this started with my first gripe. What the frak (that's for all you Battlestar Galactica geeks out there) is going on with the weather. I'd like to have a snowball fight with Al Gore. Only I get to use a trick my older brother and his buddy Chris (you'll hear more about him later) used to use when throwing snowballs at me as a kid. My snowballs will have a rock inside and have been sitting in the freezer for a week. We may have a good opportunity to have this snowball fight...for a very long time. We're due for an Ice-Age. I'm telling you, Pixar and Disney were on to something...
If you have the time, here and here are a few of the many papers that have been written which allude to what Pixar was getting at.
This whole global warming thing has really gotten out of control. We will soon be eating one another. Just ask the Eco-people's Daddy Warbucks Ted Turner.