Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Joe "Dirt" Biden

The Obama camp was out in full force today. I wouldn't say they'd consider a very productive day...

Biden helped the struggling Obama campaign out today by telling a man in a wheelchair to stand up.

He did this after making some fantastic remarks about when life begins. For him, it starts at conception. Well, don't you think that's a little strange coming from a campaign who supports abortion. Read this article, you can't make this stuff up.

Joe Dirt wasn't done insulting people though. He told voters in voters in Columbia, Mo., “I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have both the joy, because there’s joy to it as well, the joy and the difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability, who were born with a birth defect. Well guess what folks? If you care about it, why don’t you support stem cell research?”

McCain camp responded with..."“Barack Obama’s running mate sunk to a new low today launching an offensive debate over who cares more about special needs children. Playing politics with this issue is disturbing and indicative of a desperate campaign,” said campaign spokesman Ben Porritt

Somebody needs to tell this guy that stem cell research can't do anything for kids with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities. Read the article here.

Barack Obama didn't want to be outdone by his running mate so today he said this little gem... "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." Here is an article by the New York Post which says he "put his foot in his mouth." Do you think he's making a reference to Palin? It looks like the audience took it that way...I do too. Here it is in it's context.

1 comment:

Prophet Kangnamgu said...

The things they would do (and say!) to get that vote...

The ruling party of my government promised their voters houses and refrigerators! They've done a bit to relieve the housing problem, but of course it was a bold faced lie to promise everyone houses AND refrigerators.