Friday, September 19, 2008

Emotional Hippies - Crying Over Dead Trees

One of the tags for this video on Youtube is "Vote for Obama 2008". Not sure he'd like to be aligned with people so rational. They just want the trees to know that they care. I'm sure the trees appreciate it very much. Here, have a tissue. Oh wait, sorry I only have real tissues; no cloth... use your sleeve stinky.

September 19th, 2008 Quote of the Day:

"Bring me to this rock that has the most incredible life."


Prophet Kangnamgu said...

O dear,

I don't know what to say. Yes, I agree we have a responsibility towards Nature, but thank goodness I got over my New Age phase!

The Vander Wal Family said...

Oh Adam,
You crack us up! This is quite possibly the funniest clip I have seen in a while.
Hope to see you soon!
Brooke and Dave

jennai said...

I am not getting words after the post but you have a good responsibility towards nature