Thursday, May 1, 2008

Global Warming to "temporarily" halt.

I thought there was a consensus about this whole global warming thing. Ted Turner; aren't we supposed to start eating each other soon? Two days ago this may have been true. But now, the warming will just be delayed for 10 years. Read this article and tell me these guys don't come up with this stuff using the the Commador 64 of the 80's. It's probably a bunch of dudes sitting around listening to Pink Floyd, eating Pudding Pops and Pop Rocks. The amazing part of all of this is that the world is still playing along with all of this. Here is a short list of things associated with global warming but in the sense that they are man's reaction to the scam. Carbon Taxes, Kyoto, ANWR, Cap and Trade policies, Biofuels, reluctance to use coal, corn farming subsidies, rising food prices, starving 3rd-world countries. Not one of these things could have the power to stop global warming even if it were real and have only added to our problems. Common Sense is dead. R. I. P.

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